Aspiring Events Manager
Job List
Our final goal is to release someone's music.
Faith’s jobs- will do the paperwork, for example, writing down the things that are said at the meetings and also researching what platforms do release on. She will also find out about other artists that releasing at the same time that we are. Also what labels that are around at the moment, and putting stuff on the website.
Morgan’s jobs- doing the posters and artwork for the website and the artists, work with faith in the website.
Elle’s jobs- taking charge of the audio stuff, such as doing the interviews with the artists and also doing the podcast. She will also do the social media posts.
Jen’s jobs- getting material off the artists. Talking to the artists if they are happy with what we are doing.
-Week 2- Things we need to research:
We need to look up an example of people that are releasing music at the same time.
Platforms we could use and where we could promote this.
We need to add comments on how the research will affect our project.
Lookup performance rights society.
-Platforms we could release on:
This review says that bandcamp provides the option to stream songs for free.
This is a revolutionary service it helps break down the barriers for self-released music across every genre of music.
- -(This was written in 2014)